To create this web series, reminding us of the variety of performing arts that exist in this world, Giacomo Ravicchio has invited actors, clowns, acrobats, dancers and singers from all over the world to participate. (See credits below).
Meridiano Teatret is the prime producer of KNOCK KNOCK: THE CASTING and has, as such, invited the artistic association Artecapt from Switzerland to become a fellow collaborator and associate co-producer.
The idea of the web series is to explore the consequences of the pandemic – not only as to its limitations on freedom but also as to the possibilities it opens up of creating new ways of behaving and, perhaps, how it can change some of the ways we behave for ever.
KNOCK KNOCK: THE CASTING is a web series which talks about the problems of one of the sectors most in need of direct contact with its audience, namely, live performances.
All artists participating in this project come from different parts of the world.
They have filmed themselves with their smartphone, or other type of video device, following precise basic instructions, and have been inserted into the story appearing as if all characters were present at the same time and in the same space although, in reality, they are situated in different places.
In the post-production process in Copenhagen, the films, from different parts of the world, have been edited by director Giacomo Ravicchio, assisted by Robert Nhi Felsby and Glenn Ziqver Xiavier, while the original music and sound universe have been created in close collaboration with music composer and sound designer Jerome Baur in Switzerland
In the early summer of 2020, the Danish Ministry of Culture and The Danish Arts Foundation, along with 4 private foundations, invited all Danish artists to propose projects to kickstart new artistic expressions and experiences within the framework of the restrictions of the corona crisis.
KNOCK KNOCK: THE CASTING was one of the 71 projects selected.